Congratulations on your dog's DNA results, listed below.
Level 1 (75% or greater) Brittany
Level 2 (10-20%) Yorkshire Terrier
Go ahead. Snicker.
You think Luke is somehow less of a dog just because he has a bit of a small breed in there. Yeah, well, see that sweet little puffball beside him in the photo? That's Molly. She's fifteen pounds of solid scary, has kicked Luke's ass from here to Mississauga a hundred times, which I just realized isn't really making my case SHUT UP.
It's hard to look all squinty and tough when you appear to be wearing freshly scrubbed white tennis socks. And a ruffle.
That a great-grandparent was a Yorkie may explain his tolerance of Lyon, our beloved houseguest who peed on my bed five times and repeatedly launched his earmuff-sized body into the air, Matrix style, to make direct hits to Luke's face.
And yet. Luke is missing some Brittany traits, like birding and pointing instincts, and has a long tail and other attributes that seem more border collie than, you know. (SHUT. UP.) So the lab coats are going to retest him in case my swabbing sucked.
Meantime, Himself says:
S'il vous plaît de me parler que dans ma langue maternelle mais pas de kiss-kiss parce qu'il est yuck. Merci et vive la France.